➕ Why is math so despised?

and how do you explain it to a caveman?

Hey you,

Hot take:

Math is the most incredible invention we humans have ever done.


Math is also the most frustrating topic to understand.

That day, when the first farmer was out in their field counting their sheep, they changed the world forever. For generations to come, we would develop ways to estimate how many sheep we COULD HAVE. We would unlock ways to leverage the how many of the sheep are needed to properly maintain 64 sqft of grass. We would discover ways to launch sheep with complicated equations utilizing leverage, gravity and just a bit of ingenuity.

Is this hyperbole? Of course. But its also kind of true.

But I wonder more, why do people hate it?

Theory time!

Much like quaternions and Liam Neeson, math uses a very particular set of skills. Math is a highly abstracted concept as you find yourself at its higher floors. It necessitates a vivid imagining of its theories if you truly wish to utilize its power. Looking at things like Zeta functions and String Theory is terrifying. But math promises secrets to be revealed by these seemingly meaningless assortments of symbols.

And you know what, imagination is hard. Its easy to visualize things we can see and understand, but imagination requires extrapolating beyond our current understanding.

Its like you showing a caveman a breadcrumb, and then trying to explain what a loaf of bread is, and justifying why the caveman shouldn't just clobber you for talking weird.

If you love math though, what’s your favorite concept and why?

I think graphs are cool.

Next Up: Quantum Law

P.S just kidding

P.P.S for now

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