🔣 What the Slerp is a Quaternion

and why

If you clicked this actually wondering what a Quaternion is, congratulations you are innocent.

If you clicked this actually TRYING TO LEARN what a Quaternion, congratulations you are just as insane as I am.

Remember last post when I talked about understanding nothing? Well quaternions exist on an extra nothing plane.

For the uninitiated, you know how things can be rotated on their X, Y, or Z axis? Left, Up, Forward? So if you rotated your phone from your face to the flat of a table (and turned it off 😉), you rotated the phone on its X axis...probably.

Unless you did some funky flip trick in which case you may have used a couple more axis'...you hog.

Well what if I told you a Quaternion rotates in the 4th dimension.

That is not a joke.

Allow me to explain in extremely confusing and verbose language.

When one assesses a Quaternion they must take into account 4 values: x, y, z and w. The W stands for "Why", and according to Simon Sinek we should always Start with Why, so lets start there. W is the most Mysterious of all the values because it looks like an upside down M, but it also helps us tap into the more quantum level of the universe. Because the world is constantly rotating, it causes gravitational forces upon all objects, even your computer software. This causes the normally normal values of x, y and z to become confused because W will start just doing things all on its own, so when our normie values try to adjust according to W's whims it's like when 3 peoples all try to go into the same small doorway at the same time, so they get stuck. But then the doorframe itself starts shifting around and pinching people. And then the doorframe becomes detached and carries the people into space while the shooting stars meme starts playing in the background. All the while the 3 people are being rolled around each other and now no longer know why they wanted to go through the doorway in the first place. Until eventually, they stop moving and they find themselves in a place where gravity no longer functions as it should and they are sitting in random angles ranging from 1 to 39783105 degrees.

This is a joke. mostly.

If you actually know what a quaternion is, and can explain it to me, please email me and I will name my next post after you.

Which by the way, will be about Slerp.