🌸 Why is math so beautiful?

and what more could it be hiding

Hey you,

So after I finished that last math post I had another thought,

Newer Hot Take:

Math creates the most beautiful things

there is no however

Fibonacci sequence in nature

The Fibonacci spiral is known for being rampant throughout our world, as if it was an inside joke God created back when everything was coming together. Much like how we have the golden and silver ratio, which is used to craft beautiful sculptures we call buildings.

The crazy part is that some people actually live in those masterpieces

Silver ratio

But regardless, we use math to create objects of immense beauty. So when it came to creating digital art, you better believe the *computer* that was *made with math in mind* would 100% be using math to create things. Gradients, animation, objects, lighting systems, shaders, all things that have used math to create. However if there is one term that keeps coming up, something that is essential to all those things, is curves...or more specifically, bezier curves.

I came across this...simply put, beautiful video on Bézier Curves by Freya Holmér. As a game dev, I knew I would need to learn more advanced math formulas as they can apply on some level to almost aspects of game design. This video was an absolute pleasure to watch, so much so I had to rewind often because I would get entranced by the smooth visuals and elegant animation.

The Beauty of Bézier Curves, by Freya Holmér

And you better believe, all the visuals were done using curves as a guide.

Is math hard? Yes

Is it important? Yes

Is it beautiful? I think so, what about you?

P.S. if you liked that video, you should definitely at least scrub through their new and even better video which you can see here

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