🥤 Why Lerp when you can Slerp

Its quite simple really

Hey you,

Language is funny.

Imagine for a moment you are a programmer (mortifying I know), sitting in the basement, in the dark, surrounded by energy drinks and those knock off veggie chip things that taste like nothing, but you told yourself you are going to eat more healthy. And you are typing things like

rn_x %= (sla + beegnum.ToString().ToInt());

gameObject.transform.position = target.position.transform.position.transform.position;

And you are about to type n = Mathf.Lerp()

But your finger slips and autocorrect goes to Slerp()

You Smirk. and if you don't understand why that is funny, I'm sorry but I'm not going to explain it to you, guess you aren't nerdy enough, congrats

I think every profession has some of those terms that are named silly things for silly reasons.

There is this thing in woodworking called a "Biscuit Joiner", and there are no biscuits involved.

Mechanics have “Monkey Wrenches”, and you better believe I don't want a monkey anywhere near my car.

And Unity devs have "Slerp Drive"

look at this thing

if that doesn't just make the little lights in your brain perk up a bit, you should go have some fun my friend.

For today, read the world with the “punny” filter on, tell me what you find!

P.S. My compatriot that goes by the twitter handle @v3ct0rs1gm4_ actually took me up on last post's challenge! They hit me with some very detailed Quaternion words that I promptly got more confused by! Check out our convo here!

P.P.S. if you were expecting something else based on the title, sorry but this isn’t that kind of blogletter

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