đź’ˇ Creativity, and why you can't

but actually can

Creativity is such a nebulous line of work. Much of it exists within the mind, locked behind barriers of communication. We attempt to share these ideas using various abstractions of human design, such as mood boards, elevator pitches, PowerPoints and…*ahem* newsletters.

But often times, that communication barrier is THE largest barrier. Some of the smartest people and wisest philosophers in the world made a word for this thing. You may have heard of it.

The Barrier to Entry.

It’s like this giant wall that keeps you from the twisting wilds and pitfalls ahead.

Although as you become more experienced in whatever line of work you are pursuing, the wall gets lower…but it also gets thicker.

For a beginner, they just slam through the wall and fall straight into the hole.

But with knowledge, you know where the path is, but you also know how much bending, flexing and diving you’ll have to do to make it through.

And that…often stops us from breaking through at all. We stay glued to the dance map we’ve drawn and cling to it desperately, telling ourselves that the next time we dance it will be flawless.

But…the music is already playing, and the way open is already clear.