🤼‍♂️ NaNoWriMo - Struggle

When in doubt, action

Hey you,

Today's Listening: Reader's Choice

Writing. Hard.

Actually, scratch that. Flow. Flow is the hard one.

As I've mentioned/alluded to in previous posts. I was approaching this in a fairly blunder-y fashion. I would simply write in sequence, without much care for grand plans.

In the beginning, this was good. I was able to get a starting point, create characters I liked and set the stage without crippling "blank page disorder". The hard part was what came next.

I lost my rhythm, other events came calling, and I fell out of flow.

So my brain decided to take over again and start asking, "Well where are we going from here?". "What do I want the outcome to be?". "Should I plan out all the steps first?".

Now, am I being stupid? I don't know. What I do know though,

I haven't written a word on it for four days.

This is when I realize, I'm taking this the wrong way...again. Nanowrimo is not supposed to produce incredible, intricate novella. Throw caution to the wind and do the thing. You are just supposed to write. Anything.

This philosophy, I would call action without planning, movement without purpose. It sounds pointless. Maybe it is, or maybe it is exactly what I need. Maybe it is time to face my nature head on, and ram my head against it. How else will I break barriers?

Because yesterday, I felt like any words I write are wasted effort, because they aren't leading to anything fruitful. Although in hindsight, that is the stupidest thing I've thought in a long time.

I think these newsletter updates are smart...I think I understand why people do dev logs now lol.

There is a man that retired recently from Blizzard Entertainment, Samwise Didier. He was the art director...for 32 years. His work has been instrumental in shaping the identity of the Warcraft, Diablo, Starcraft and Overwatch universes.

This man knew nothing about computer graphics when he started. But nowadays he has a motto. ABC, Always Be Creating.

What his meaning behind that motto is, I cannot say. But for me, in this moment...

It means to stop writing about it and start writing it.

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