🍁 Fall-tober is almost here

But do you know what October means?

Hey you,

The October is nearly upon us

Why is October the 10th month? Shouldn't it be the 8th because Octo?

And about 30 seconds ago I thought this was just a silly American question.

Turns out, pretty valid question.

October used to be the 8th month, in Ancient Roman days. March was the first month. But then January and February were added to the calendar in front of the rest of the months to account for the lunar year. But before that it all made sense!

Sept means 7, it was the seventh

Novem means 9

And Decem means 10!

(this is all the latin deriving btw)

So they had this very simple and easy to understand system where October was the 8th month because it was called OCTO. But then Mr. King Pompilius decided that not only were we gonna add more months, but also screw up the rest of the months meaning!

Imagine being back in the time, when time was being invented.

"Hey what you got going on in 2 months?"

"Well we got that one holiday with the bunny"

"Huh? Bunny holiday isn't until 2nd Month! That's 4 months away!"

"Wait what? No its 10th Month, so 2 months away"

"Naw fam, 10th month isn't the 10th month anymore"


"Yeah 2nd month is now the fourth month, and we are in 10th month right now"


and then they break the spacetime continuum or something

P.S. That last section actually took me like 10 minutes just to make sure I did it right and I'm still not sure

P.P.S. I'm very glad we live in a time where time isn't being messed with anymore...I assume.

P.P.P.S. Yes I know Easter didn’t exist until AD

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