🙆‍♂️ Dark Souls and Achievement

Victory Achieved

Hey chosen reader,

Today's Listening: Gwyn

Dark Souls.

Just saying the name conjures images of painful battles. Memories of running from bonfire to boss room. And the many deaths that maintain the cycle.

But I also remember the moments of pure elation. Being exhausted of resources, fighting on the very edge of your limit. And the sweet relief of victory.

For a game designer, there are many different ways to bring players satisfaction. We can give the player a rush of feedback on input through effects. We can reward them with "improvements" within the game. And generally provide a welcoming, pleasurable experience.

Or, we make the players find their own satisfaction. I don't know who said it, but the hardest things in life, are the ones most worth doing.

In real life, we have these things people proclaim are "the hardest things". Finishing school, going through college, exercise, starting a business, climbing a mountain, having a family. These are all things that will have long term impacts on your life.

And now you are wondering if I am about to say Dark Souls is one of those things. Well maybe it is.

I will tell you what it did for me though. It made me relax. (but not in a heart rate way)

I knew this game was not easy, and it was not going to complete itself. I would find roadblocks, BS mechanics and things waiting to shank me around every corner.

Then I realized, eventually, I will win. It may not be immediately, maybe I die ten times, or thirty, but I will win. Dark Souls taught me quiet determination in the face of stressful situations. I learned how to adapt, I learned how to pay attention, I learned how to self reflect.


And I think those values, are what creates satisfaction in the end. If you wish to excel, you have to reflect on your self, and be willing to confront your mistakes. Once you do that, you begin to grow.

And for me, growth is a very addicting and satisfying experience.

So thank you Dark Souls, I got good, and now I'm even more determined to be better.

But I swear to the Abyss if FromSoft makes me kill another doggie in the name of growth I will riot.

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